First Grade Teacher Katlyn Risher » Katlyn Risher

Katlyn Risher

Welcome to 1st grade! I'm so excited to teach your child this year. We're going to have a great year. Below you will find our schedule for the year as well as some reminders. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to email me or send a message on the Remind app.


Mrs. Risher’s First Grade Schedule

Anderson Mill Elementary School



7:35-7:45:       WAME/Calendar

7:45-8:35:       ELA

8:35-9:25:       WIN

9:25-9:35:       Brain Break

9:35-10:15:     ELA

10:15-11:05:   Science/Social Studies

11:00-11:25:   Lunch

11:30-11:55:   Recess/Restroom

11:55-1:25:     Math

1:25-2:10:       Related Arts

  Monday: PE   Tuesday: Art   Wednesday: Library/Computer Lab   Thursday: PE   Friday:Music

2:10-2:25:       Wrap up/Pack up

2:25-2:30:       Dismissal Procedures


*Please remember to wear tennis shoes on Mondays and Thursdays for PE.

*If your child ever needs to change transportation, please send a note.

*Read, Read, Read!