4K Teacher Meredith Cox » Meredith Cox, 4K

Meredith Cox, 4K

Mrs.Cox’s Daily Schedule


7:30 Breakfast

8:15 Morning procedures

8:30 Morning Meeting

8:40 Centers

9:15 Calendar/Whole Group Math

9:30 Related Arts

(M,W,Th,F-Computer/Library T-Guidance)

10:05 Recess

10:30 Bathroom/Wash Hands/Prepare for lunch

10:40 Lunch

11:10 M,W Free gym T, Th, F Writer’s Workshop

11:40 Shared Reading

12:00 Rest Time

1:00 Snack/Pack Up/Brain Break

1:20 Small Groups

1:50 Closing

2:00 Dismissal


Wish List

baby wipes

wet wipes

small stickers

small prizes for our treasure box



Important Reminders

*Please be sure to check your child’s folder daily.  We have important notes and reminders we send home as well as our daily behavior log.

*Please be sure to let us know if your child has a change in transportation.

*Please make sure to wash and return your child’s blanket to school each Monday.



-Our monthly homework calendar is located in the back sleeve of our homework folders.  The purpose of homework in 4K is for your family to establish a good homework routine that works for your family.  These are quick fun activities that should only take a few minutes to complete.  Please initial the calendar at the end of each month.

-In addition to our homework calendar, please set a time to read with your child each night.